Friday, April 13, 2012

Cryonics and Ted Williams' Bizarre Post-Mortem Saga

Odd reports have always swarmed around the Hall of Fame baseball slugger Ted Williams and the cryonic freezing of his head and body cryogenic storage containers.

Apparently Williams' head and body are still being stored in an Arizona cryonics lab. Williams' son, John Henry Williams, had is father placed in cryonic suspension, a process that freezes body parts in hopes that future scientific advancements will restore the dead to life or clone the person.
Oddly enough, reports have stated that Williams head has been separated from the body and put in different cryogenic storage containers. The two are in the same room, but Williams' head was placed in a liquid nitrogen-filled steel cryogenic storage can on a shelf, while his body is in the same room. The body is in a liquid-nitrogen-filled, nine-foot-tall cylindrical steel tank and is properly marked by his ID number, A-1949.

The bizarre part of the post-mortem drama is that this may have not been Williams' intentions. Instead, it appears his son wanted the process to be done. The only publically known documentation that suggested Williams wanted to be perceive was on a piece of scrap paper, which was stained with motor oil and was dated Nov. 2, 2000. The paper bares Williams, John Henry and his sister Claudia signatures stating to be put in "Bio-Stasis after we die."

Williams' body was flown to Arizona almost immediately after his death on July 5, 2002. Many people contend that John Henry wants to preserve his father's DNA or even sell it. The saga is certainly interesting considered the potential of cryonics thanks to cryogenic storage. Could you imagine seeing Ted Williams in his baseball gear again? Now that would be something!

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